NGOs Establishment And Management.


Passion is not enough to venture into Non-Governmental Organization without technical know-how on how to raise fund, build network, develop winning proposal and sustain a project. Working with communities, stakeholders, requires effective mobilization of the various stakeholders and working in partnership with them. The greatest challenge of community-driven developments is how to engage the people, raise fund and how to aggregate the effort of individuals for the benefit of all. Successful community-based projects are those that have desirable impact on the people. The impact depends on how the projects are selected and how well they meet the specific needs of the communities. Very critical to the success of community projects are the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects. the success of community projects depends on the professional skills that are brought to bear on the development of the project. This program is designed to equip participants with requisite knowledge and skills on how to successfully run an effective NGO.

Learning Objectives

By successfully completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • identify community development needs;
  • determine important criteria for community projects
  • design community-based development projects;
  • develop winning proposal;
  • effectively raise fund for project;
  • write RBM & E project report;
  • analyse community and other stakeholders;
  • discuss strategies to implement community-based development projects; and
  • implement tools for monitoring and evaluating community-based projects.

Program Content:

  • Overview of NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, CSOs.
  • Project Needs Identification
  • Planning and Designing Community-Based Projects
  • Effective Fund Raising for NGOs
  • Project Stakeholders Analysis and management
  • Writing NGOs Proposal and Report
  • Design Training Proposal
  • Project Management
  • Project Risk Analysis and Management
  • Application of Log Frame in Projects
  • Community Empowerment
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Community-based Projects

Target Audience:

Project Managers and Supervisors, Religions leaders, Women and Men in NGOs, Community Based Organization, Faith Based Organization, Civil Society Organization. Project Planning Officers. Women and Youths Affairs, Social Mobilization, anybody in poverty alleviation programmes,

Delivery Methodology

Lecture, discussion, syndicate work, case study and exercises. Audio-visual aids will be used to reinforce these learning methods.