Train The Trainers (TTT)


NGOs, FBOs, CBOs, CSOs, Public or private organizations that wish to achieve a competitive advantage, excel in service delivery and make a difference to the clientele must have core skills and competencies. Training is no longer just a tool for honing skills. It has become a strategic and competitive tool. Those who handle the training function must not only have competencies in training service delivery and learning transfer. They must use training to leverage organizational performance.

This program is designed to enable participants to acquire competencies and professionalism in training strategies, presentation skills, public speaking skills, and methodology.

Learning  Objectives.

 the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • identify training needs at all levels;
  • design training curricula to meet learning objectives;
  • acquire methods of training adult;
  • overcome adult learning challenges; and
  • use training methods that enhance learning.

 Program Content.

 Overview of Training Function

  • Effectiveness in Training Service Delivery
  • How people Learn
  • Principle of Adult learning
  • Setting Learning Objectives
  • Design and Development of Curriculum
  • Training Methods: Games, Case Study, hands-on, visual, etc.
  • Computer-based Training
  • Effective Presentation Skills
  • Proposal Writing
  • Micro Facilitation.

Target Audience:

Managers and Supervisors who are responsible for training and knowledge transfer, Manager, Trainers, Pastors, HOD, NGOs, CSOs, FBOs and Human Resources Managers.

Delivery Methodology

Lecture, discussion, syndicate work, case study and exercises. Audio-visual aids will be used to reinforce these learning methods.